Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Good Times Keep on Rollin in New Orleans

What an amazing day, our group got so much done.

As usual, we started our day at around 7am. Luckily there were no disasters and so we could continue our day as planned. We went straight to Musicians Village to work on our houses. As I have mentioned before, our group works so hard therefore, to little surprise we got much done today.

This might sound like I’m trying to rub it in but it was only 10 degrees celsius today. I thought it was fantastic, yet some who dressed for 30 degrees found it chilly. The weather is amazing. I love this city so very much.

After our shift at Musicians Village, our group quickly headed back to Camp Hope to freshen up in order to depart for downtown. We were in a hurry to catch the infamous New Orleans parade. I managed to catch many beads and coins. The floats and music were fantastic. After the parade, most went to visit Bourban St. once again, the visit was nothing less than fantastic.

I’m now sitting in my bed relaxing from a great night. I better try and get some sleep seeing as tomorrow might be the best night yet (if possible, that is).

Until the next post,

Best, Jesse