Saturday, February 10, 2007

Wave of Hope - We've finally left!

(NOTE: I wrote this post on my blackberry (no spell check) at 1:45 am, spelling and grammar most probably won't be up to par.)

Its approximately 1:45 am, to little surprise I can't fall asleep. I'd be lying if I said the bus is comfortable. There's not much that's luxurious about this luxury coach. Although transportation is substandard, the people have been great.

For those of you wondering, the Wave of Hope tour that I'm apart of left today. 50 students including myself are heading to New Orleans to help with the reconstruction effort.

I must thank our local Winnipeg media; Aldo Santin (WFP), John Wells (CJOB), CBC, Pierre Olivier (Radio-Canada) and City TV (as usual). They have given us great coverage. We had to raise near $45,000 for this trip and the media above have been instrumental in helping us raise those funds.

Pierre Olivier, City TV and CBC radio were nice enough to join us for our departure. The segments should all be published tonight.

After media stuff, our bus finally left at around 4:10 (almost as planned). Our first stop was at the Fargo mall where we had a chance to stretch (being tired already is not good, still 26 hours left, ouch!)

Our most recent stop was at the Flying J in Sioux Falls. Everyone made the best of this one seeing as it will be our last for the night.

I'm currently sitting on the bus in complete silence (well almost complete silence because the squeaky rear axle). Insomnia sucks!

The bus ride hasn't been all that bad, in fact it has been quite fun as of yet. The people I'm with are great. Conversation has been awesome and everyone seems to be really enjoying themselves (note that the "people enjoying themselves" comments was after only 4 hours in the bus, that opinion is subject to change seeing as we have 26 hours left in this shoe box).

At any rate, I should probably try to catch some shut eye. Have a great night in your warm comfortable bed as I will sleep just as nicely I'm sure, lol.

Until the next post.

Best, Jesse